Change is inevitable. In fact, Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only constant in life is change.” This is so true. So why do we resist it? Embracing change is essential in life.
My Early Life Changes
I’ve experienced change all my life. As an US Army brat, I have lived in many different states, moved out of the country once, and at some point in my life, I counted that I went to 13 different schools between kindergarten and college. I have always had to embrace change. I always had to make new friends and adjust to new environments and climates. And I suppose, being the oldest of six children in our family, I had to adjust often to the addition of a sibling.
Change can be scary. However, it’s been a major part of my life since early childhood. This is why it took me by surprise when I struggled making a major change in my business a few weeks ago.
Embracing Change in My Business Journey
If you have followed me for a while, you may have noticed tweaks in the last eighteen months or so. The last one was hard. Here’s why. Five years ago, I created my Purple Essence By Evelyn website for writing blog posts The goal was to give value to my clients and friends. That was my “baby” because I had to build it all from scratch. Before you become impressed with me, let me add that I knew nothing about building a website. I didn’t even know the computer lingo. I used Google and YouTube videos every step of the way. I had to look up terms that were unfamiliar to me.
In the end, I loved my website. It was beautiful and fun and mine. In a non-arrogant way, I was proud of what I was able to accomplish. Being an entrepreneur grows you in so many unexpected ways.
Oh My, Hi: The Big Game Changer
Oh My, Hi is not a term you would necessarily know. Basically, it’s my coach’s version of WordPress. Investing in myself and my business (which means more for you), I hired a business coach. Along with the services came a website. I did nothing with it for so long. Why would I need another website? Jafra offers me one and I had my awesome site that I built. I didn’t need three. But that’s the beauty of having a coach and a community of entrepreneurs. The original Purple Essence By Evelyn was only for blogging. So the Keeping You Royal website was born on the Oh My, Hi platform. If you click the Home button, you will see what was created. But it didn’t have the blog feature.
Little by little, I was falling in love with my new site. Then I considered you. Was it too confusing for you to navigate a site with all things Jafra (Keeping You Royal) AND a blog site? Plus, some of you went directly to my Jafra website. To simplify for you, I considered merging my two sites. It was a hard decision. That meant giving up my “baby.” I would have to say goodbye to my original Purple Essence By Evelyn website. Ugh! Embracing change can be difficult. What an excruciating decision. Thank goodness for my business coach and my community of entrepreneurs. They were able to help me see the vision. My decision was made. I would move forward and merge the blogging with my other content. This was for you, my readers.
Final Results of the Change
Well, here we are. One website (although if you go to, it will redirect you here). I am only a few weeks into the change, but I know it was the right move for YOU, my friend. One site that covers it all is better for you. I hope you love it. Please let me know. My goal is to always bring you value. The mission is simple: Keeping You Royal – your best self in aging well.
How Do You Embrace Change?
Does change come hard for you? Your experiences may not have started as early as mine, but you have been embracing change, too. Change comes in the form of promotions from elementary school to middle school to high school. Perhaps, you went to college out of state or did a study abroad program. Marriage was a big change. Children definitely transforms your lifestyle. Have you retired or learned a new skill? There’s so much change we experience in life.
I have to admit, not all change is positive and fun such as loss of a job or friend. However, it is part of our journey. It is what makes us unique. Embrace it. Because like Heraclitus said, it’s the only constant in life.
I’d love to know. What changes in your life affected you most? What are some changes you are looking forward to in 2025?
If you are an entrepreneur in any industry, check out my business coach, Becky Launder. She is the CEO and co-founder of Modern Direct Seller. Working with Becky is a fun, and she has taught me a new and better way of approaching my business.
You don’t need to be a business owner to have a website. There’s so many great uses. The great news about the Oh My, Hi website is that you DO NOT have to create it all from scratch like I did with my original site. Just plug your information into templates of your choice and you’re good to go. The Oh My, Hi website is included in the VIP package of the Modern Direct Seller coaching program. Should you want just the website, check it out here.
Purple Essence By Evelyn, your partner in aging well and achieving your best self.
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