Habitual Lines

Habitual lines is a term I created to describe facial lines caused by our expressive facial habits. They are small, seemingly insignificant actions that make a dramatic difference over time.

Since we were babies, we have made facial expressions. When I was a child, I heard moms and teachers say, “Stop making funny faces or your face will be stuck like that.” I always thought this was an odd statement but now I actually see a bit of truth behind it.

Our expressive habits make such gradual changes that we don’t recognize them until those lines are etched into our faces. Day after day, year after year, and even decade after decade, these habits have been working against us. We are not expressionless beings so this does affect all of us.

Don’t fret. Here are a few tips to help slow down the process:

Do you squint? Stop. Wear eyeglasses if reading has become difficult and/or sunglasses when outdoors. The habit of constant squinting causes crow’s feet around the eyes.

Kick the smoking habit. Puckering, that slight constant movement you make when puffing on the cigarette, causes lines around your mouth. As a side note, smoking contains carbon monoxide which affects the oxygen in your skin. The nicotine reduces the blood flow which not only discolors the skin, but depletes nutrients such as vitamin C.

Speaking of puckering, ditch the drinking straws.

Reduce the amount of frowning. I don’t know the exact numbers, but it takes more muscles to frown than smile. Let the joy from your inner self shine through.

Worry lines are real. We create forehead furrows when we are stressed. Learn relaxation tips. Several are/will be posted on this site. Because you can do it anytime, anywhere, deep breathing is the most accessible to you.

Laughter is the best medicine for stress. Will it produce laugh lines? You betcha! But the benefits are worth it. And, I gotcha covered. I have a couple of fabulous products that prevents (or at least greatly slows down those habitual line) and corrects them, too.

The Royal Jelly Revitalize Line and Pore Serum is made for this very purpose; to blur lines, reducing their appearance. I never go a day without my Royal Jelly Lift Concentrate that minimizes the signs of prematurely damaged skin and helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. So bring on the laughter. Those are the best habitual lines to form.