Have a Stress-free Holiday Experience

No doubt about it, holidays can bring on extra stress. The shopping, cleaning, extra activities, cooking, baking, gift-wrapping, decorating, traveling, family photos, card-mailing, and the list can go on much long, can be daunting. Now throw COVID-19 in the midst of all this and that’s enough for anyone to be overwhelmed.

I have the perfect solution. Take a time-out. Here are a few suggestions to help keep you centered.


During our busy everyday lives, resting can feel impossible; especially during the holidays! However, getting enough rest is important. The amount of sleep you should have is 8 hours, preferably between the hours of 10pm and 6am. This is an ideal amount of sleep in order to feel your best, however, this goal may not always be reached. No worries! Just take a 15 min nap in the afternoon in order to recharge. Getting enough rest will help you with extracurricular activities, unpredictable situations, and lower your risk of getting sick. If you are having a hard time falling or staying asleep, try a few different sleep aids or techniques such as:

  • Infusing your room with lavender oil or putting it on your pillow and body
  • Create a bedtime routine habit. Once your body is used to a set time of getting rest, sleep will come much easier.
  • Avoid using technical devices like computers and phones. The blue light from the screens keeps you awake, so turn them off about an hour.
  • Try to keep your bedroom at a moderate temperature. It is difficult to fall asleep when you are too hot or cold. If the temperature is comfortable, you will be able to fall asleep faster.


Exercise is not one of the most desired activities to do, but it is crucial for our health. The lack of movement can cause us to become sick. This does not mean that you need to join a membership at your local gym. You can do small things everyday to get your daily exercise in such as:

  • Taking the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator
  • Walking your dog 
  • Playing outside with your children
  • Park your car farther from your destination than normal
  • Doing yoga stretches 
  • Dancing to your favorite holiday music

Eat healthy foods and hydrate

The holiday season is the time that we splurge on our favorite desserts and comfort food. However, it is important to still include healthy dishes in our diet. This is a difficult task amongst the family gatherings, but there are a few tips to staying healthy and enjoying the holiday. 

  • Include fruit and vegetables in your diet
  • Limit sugar, salt, and fat intake
  • Eat holiday desserts in moderation 
  • At gathering, socialize in rooms that do not serve food. If this is not possible, then stand with your back to the food table
  • Have someone else prepare your plate so you don’t see all of the food

Aromatherapy and self care

While it is perfectly fine to take care of others, it is equally important to take care of yourself as well. Unfortunately, we don’t always treat ourselves as well as we should. This holiday season, take some time everyday to take care of yourself. Here are some ways you can do self care:

Time management

Since the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with everything that you need to get done and participate in. It can feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day and that you don’t have time to even sit down and enjoy the holiday. This year, try some time management to get through the season. It’s okay to ask for help or hand some tasks off your unending list of things to do to your family and friends such as cooking, cleaning, and decorating. You can also save time by preparing and freezing food and desserts in advance. And, of course, have your Jafra beauty advisor place your order and ship it directly to you.