Is Rubbing Alcohol Good For Your Skin?

During my high school years, I was plagued and frustrated with oily skin. Because I had no beauty advisor, I would swipe alcohol across my face with a cotton round. Then I would let the sun kiss my unmoisturized skin. To make matters worse, I did not use sunscreen in this process. I cringe when I recall my skincare-less routine. If your regime is similar, continue to see if alcohol is good for your skin.

The Irony

Alcohol dries. Period. That is why I used isopropyl alcohol as a toner. Incidentally, consuming alcohol as a beverage is also drying to your skin. Therefore, you will want to hydrate with plenty of water. The irony of applying alcohol is that when your face becomes dry, your skin will naturally produce more oil. Which can then cause more acne and other skin concerns.

What I Know Today

I have been in the skincare industry for over two decades now. I have learned that we want to keep the moisture but control the oil. Using a quality skincare regimen does that. If you are as frustrated with acne as I was, check out How to Achieve Clear Skin.

I was fortunate enough to happen upon the skincare company that using Royal Jelly. Without a doubt, it corrects past damages and prevents future harm of all sorts. Not only are our Royal Rituals a high-quality brand, but also every product contains royal jelly.

Unquestionably, for healthy skin, you will want to adapt the 4-step formula.

  • Cleanse
  • Treat
  • Moisturize
  • Protect

To determine which of our skincare rituals is best for you, use my virtual skin consult. Nevertheless, technology cannot completely replace a real person. In addition to my website, you may want to have a conversation with me. Try the royal ritual that is right for your skin. Compare it with what you are currently using. You will feel and see the difference. Then ask the question, “Is alcohol good for my skin?” and determine the answer for yourself.