
  • Sleep Like a Baby

    Sleep Like a Baby

    Worry, stress, inactivity, and too much stimuli before bedtime can affect how well you sleep…or lack thereof. With COVID-19 on your mind, you may be experiencing a difficult time falling and staying asleep. So that your body is at it’s ultimate, you want to sleep like a baby. Here are some tips. Develop a routine.…

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  • Emotional Survival Kit

    Emotional Survival Kit

    Life as we know it has permanently changed. Just as those who experienced the Deep Depression, 9/11, 2008 economic fall, and many other tragedies, the event changed how they saw the world and respond to life events afterward. Whatever the loss, coping with grief and depression is a necessary survival skill. I read a fabulous…

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  • How to Experience a SPA-cation

    How to Experience a SPA-cation

    Ahhh….spa day. But sometimes it’s not actually possible to get away for the day. Between your visits, enjoy the home DIY encounter that has the same aroma and feel as the actual spa. Continue reading to learn how to experience a spa-cation. THE PRODUCTS Body When you use the Mud Mask, the aroma will transport…

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  • My Flu Survival Guide

    My Flu Survival Guide

    First, I must tell you that I have NEVER worked in the medical profession. The suggestions here are only MY personal experiences and I do not make any claims of prevention or healing. With that said, let me share with you what I do to survive the flu season, September through May. Be sure to…

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  • Bodycare Should Mimic Facial Skincare

    Bodycare Should Mimic Facial Skincare

    Our Royal facial skincare regimens have 4 simple steps: Cleanse Treat Moisturize Protect Do you realize that the rest of your body deserves these same steps for ultimate health benefits, moisturization, and protection? Just like your face, your body is covered with tiny pores that allow the skin to breathe and to perspire, keeping us…

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