Browsing Tag: body exfoliator

How to Relieve Dry Skin

Does your skin look rough, flaky, or scaly? Is it itchy, miserable, or painful? If that is true for you or someone you love, learn how to relieve dry skin. The Cause There are a variety of factors that causes skin dryness. Consulting your doctor should be your first step if your condition is extreme. Sometimes medications or surgeries can be the culprit. Cancer treatment is definitely a factor. Otherwise, check your environment. You may…

Getting My Anxiety Under Control

Anxiety. Stress. Worry. Concern. These definitely became buzz words the last two years. The world has gone through so much at an accelerated rate. Though we are getting back to normalcy, lingering thoughts still swarm around in our mind. Gas and grocery prices have skyrocketed. War stories are a part of conversations. Add these on top of our everyday stressors, and it can feel overwhelming. But there is help. Disclaimer Before going further, know that…

How to Winterize Your Skin

Because of the cold weather, use of heaters, and dry humidity, our body’s largest organ tends to get dry. Harmless at first, but dryness of the skin can lead to flakiness, irritation, and even eczema. Untreated dryness can lead to cracks and bleeding of the skin. Open wounds make us successible to diseases and bacteria. And, of course, it prematurely ages us…