Browsing Tag: blemishes

Autumn: Time for Skin and Makeup Analysis

Autumn is a lovely season of change. We see it in nature every year. Leaves change colors and fall off the trees, the temperature grows colder, animals prepare for the long months ahead, and we shift from daylight savings to standard time (most of the country). In any case, changes occur with the days becoming shorter. We pivot from flip flops to boots and shorts to long pants. Did you know this is also the…


Banish mask-induced breakouts with JAFRA ROYAL Clear Smart By Wendy Ohrbach***August 12, 2020 Are you breaking out after wearing a cloth face mask? It’s called maskne and you’re not alone! Blemishes, blackheads and whiteheads are a major skin concern for millions of people, under any circumstances. When you add in skin reactions from face coverings and the general increase in stress, the problem skyrockets. In dermatologist lingo, these breakouts are called…