
Kick Crepey Skin to the Curb

“It’s summer. Ain’t nobody got time for crepey skin.” Yup, that’s the sentiment right now. High temperatures, shorts, and tank-tops do not blend well with crepey skin. Thank goodness there is a solution. Find out how to kick crepey skin the the curb.

What is Crepey Skin

Crepey skin usually forms on the arms and legs, but can appear anywhere. The texture resembles crepe paper, thus the name. They are very fine lines and wrinkles that is usually accompanied by sagging and thinning skin. The average age for signs of crepey skin begins at 40, and progresses from there.

Although genetics, medication, and weight loss can play a role, generally,crepey skin is caused by constant loss of moisture and lack of sunscreen over the years. Having skin that ages well requires a commitment to solar protection, hydration, and exercise.

The Best Solution is Not to Let It Form

My recommendation is to not allow the formation of crepey skin. Although it can come with age, here are ways you can combat it.

  • The sun is the number one contributor. Be sure to set safe sun practices into place. Never go a day without a sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher.
  • Drink plenty of water on a daily basis. A good rule is to drink half your weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces.
  • Stick to a healthy, well-balanced diet.
  • Make some form of exercise part of your lifestyle. I recommend following up with the Smooth and Tone Body Crème. This Royal Jelly-infused crème visibly tightens and smooths the skin.
  • Topically hydrate your skin with a high-quality body oil, lotion, cream or body butter.

Help, I Already Have Crepey Skin

All is not lost. Our SPA line includes an Anti-Crepe Hydrating Massage Cream. With daily use of this product, you will discover dramatic improvement. Its key ingredients are avocado butter (for moisturization), apricot kernel oil (smooths and conditions), and niacinamide (to improve hydration). Massage the cream into the skin, paying extra attention to crepey areas such as arms, legs, and chest. This can be used as a full-body moisturizer or as a relaxing massage cream.

It doesn’t matter where your journey is on the crepey skin scale. You can take preventative measures or do some crepey reversals. But one thing is for certain. Ain’t nobody got time for crepey skin.