Monthly Archives: June 2024

5 Things I Love

Self-love is a lifestyle to embrace. Daily. Every woman has her style and ways that brings personal joy. Here is my list of 5 things I love…

JAFRASkin: The Latest Buzz

Our skin’s needs are constantly changing. Keep it fresh! JAFRASkin gives your skin the care it craves. The best part is how simply fast and fabulously effective the products are to use…

How to Stay Focused When Juggling Numerous Tasks

In today’s fast-paced world, staying on task can be challenging, especially for busy moms, working women, & entrepreneurs. There’s many distractions and interruptions. Let’s learn how to stay focused.
Afterall, isn’t that a ROYAL way to live…

The Ultimate Guide to Summer Lip Care

Enjoy soft, hydrated, healthy lips with these simple steps to a summer lip care routine. Remember, taking a few minutes for self-love can make a world of difference in how you look and feel…