How to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

And now it begins. Festive holiday gatherings with family, friends, and food. If you have worked hard all year getting healthy and fit, do not let the season set you back. Here are a few tips regarding how to stay in shape during the holidays.

No Avoidance Needed

There are certain foods that we have that is available only during the holiday season. Aunt Ann’s famous macaroni and cheese, Uncle Eric’s peppermint bark, grandma’s homemade fudge, Cousin Charles’s candied yams, just to name a few. This is not the time to say no and go another 365 days without their signature dishes.

Focusing on the dishes that you love but plan to resist will only have you craving more of it. Unless you have medical conditions that requires you to avoid certain foods or new dietary plans like becoming vegan; go ahead and indulge,responsibly. Be mindful of the amount; anything in moderation is good. A slither of chocolate cake, a small helping of dressing, a tablespoon or two of cobbler are all fine. Really, you only need enough to taste and appreciate.

Load your plate with more of the healthy options. This is the time of year when we can appreciate autumn colors, extend it to your dietary choices. Colorful root vegetables such as carrots, beets, sweet potatoes (without the sugary toppings); brussel sprouts and squashes are also great additions.

Remember to include fruits such as autumn apples, cranberries, pomegranates, and persimmons. Because of the fiber content, a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables will keep you fuller longer. Curbing the appetite will limit your amount of unhealthy food selections. Adding lots of water will help, also.


Whether it is Friendsgiving, an office party, or family holiday gathering, there is sure to be a time when you are coming together with food and fun. Remember, the most important part of the gathering is the connections you make with people, not the food. Here’s a few tips that will help.

  • Make your dish the healthy choice so you are guaranteed to stay on track.
  • Do not arrive to the event hungry. Have a small snack before leaving home.
  • Be intentional about your amount of food and alcohol BEFORE your arrival.
  • As much as possible, stay out of the room filled with all the foods, especially the desserts.
  • If there’s only one room, keep your back toward the food table and mingle with friends.


Sometimes this time of year gets so busy, but you do not have to hit the gym to stay fit. However, you do not have to sacrifice getting movement into your day. Here’s how.

  • I actually enjoy a home workout routine by following an online exercise trainer.
  • Take the stairs instead of elevators and escalators.
  • Park your car further away from entrances.
  • Dance to upbeat holiday music.
  • Walk your dog and play with your (grand)children, nieces, nephews, etc.

Enjoy the Holidays

This is a special time of year. Embrace it. And if you blow it, it’s not the end of the world. Be kind to yourself. There’s always the following days and weeks to improve.

I would love to know which suggestions resonates with you more. Perhaps you have a suggestion or two to add of how you stay in shape during the holidays. Please let me know. I would love to hear it.