Because of the cold weather, use of heaters, and dry humidity, our body’s largest organ tends to get dry. Harmless at first, but dryness of the skin can lead to flakiness, irritation, and even eczema. Untreated dryness can lead to cracks and bleeding of the skin. Open wounds make us successible to diseases and bacteria. And, of course, it prematurely ages us…
Today I heard George Bernard Shaw’s quote, “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” How appropriate that is as we begin 2022. Here is your opportunity to (re)create your life. It’s the perfect time to abandon the mundane and start designing the new you. Your life is a canvas. What masterpiece will you create? You are the Monet, Picasso, Michelangelo, da Vinci, or Rembrandt of…